Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Leslie Patricelli Books for Babies and Toddlers

I enjoy sharing books with my readers that I enjoy with my son Mekhi. He and I read together every night and I started doing this before he was born. As a result, Mekhi loves to read. So much so that he is more apt to reach for book before many of his toys. I truly enjoy listening to him "read" his books. 

Two new books added to his collection are Baby Happy, Baby Sad and Higher, Higher both written by Leslie Patricelli.  I love the illustrations in the books and the simple dialogue. After reading the books with Mekhi a couple of times he actually knows them by heart so listening to him "read" is truly satisfying. In addition to the simple prose, there are a number of different objects in each illustration for Mekhi to identify. These books are certainly a wonderful addition to my son's library and assist me in my preparation for teaching him how to read. Yes, I know he will be two next month but I believe that it is never too early to instill a love of reading in our children.  Next year this time perhaps he will actully be a reader! 

1 comment:

Brad Fallon said...

Great books for babies! I also enjoy reading books to my son. Thanks for sharing!