For me the word "Mojo" brings with it connotations of magic, a special aura. So of course the title "Mojo Moms" by Amy Tiemann, PhD, immediately caught my attention. According to Dr. Tiemann, a Mommy Mojo is:
"The feeling you get when you are at the top of your game, juggling the many facets of your life and keeping your own needs in balance with family needs. It is the joyous feeling o fbecoming yourself and liking that peroson. It is the ability to speak, be heard, and make a difference in the world. It is power; it is being a force to be reckoned with."
I don't know about you but I want some of that Mojo. In the book Dr. Tiemann helps mothers to understand that yes motherhood is important but we were individuals with goals, dreams and aspirations beyond the definition of Motherhood. One of my biggest lessons from the book is that I need to let go of the "Guilt, Worry, and Anxiety" that I have regarding mothering and keeping it all together. It is essential that I no longed don the Super woman cape but ask for assistance and look for support from my family and circle of friends. Trying to do it all is an impossible task and being realistic about this will assist me in living a happier and healthier life.
The book also has a chapter on "Centering, Silence, and Reclaiming Your Mind Space." This is so important and I have been really remise in taking care of myself in this manner. A spoke to a friend yesterday that religiously takes a bath every night and refuses to be disturbed during this daily ritual. I know and encourage others to take these moments but I have yet to incorporate it into my life.
If I had to categorize Mojo Mom I would say it is a self-help book that should be required reading for all mothers. This book is now on my list of gifts for the Mother when I attend a babyshower. I believe that Dr. Tiemann has hit a home run with this book.
Many thanks to Mother Talk for giving me the opportunity to review this book.