Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I love my modem!

This is a compensated review from BlogHer and Sprint

I love being connected. I believe approximately 80% of my interaction with the world is virtual. My best friends live in my computer and although we don't see each other often we communicate on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times a day. I have an pda, a laptop, a netbook and a desktop. All of these devices are connected to the Internet.

I primarily stay connected by using WiFi. My husband and I have wifi in the house and this enables me to work from any room in the house while keeping an eye on my active toddler. The only problem is that sometimes I have difficulty with the wifi connection on my laptop. There have been times when I was so frustrated because the signal wasn't working properly and my husband was not around to investigate the problem. Please don't think we have the stereotypical gender roles going on in my household, we are both pretty tech savvy but the router is in my husband's office and I respect his space.

Luckily, for the past few months problems with the Wifi have not had a negative impact on my ability to work and connect with my friends. As part of the Momspotters team at BlogHer, I was given the opportunity to try out the Sprint 3G/4G network with my own modem. Life has not been the same. Not only has having my own modem enabled me to always be connected in the home, when I am traveling (which is fairly often), I am always connected! No longer do I have to worry about paying for WiFi at the airport, at the hotel or in random places when I am on the road. If I need an Internet connection I simply connect with my modem. This year I've traveled to California, Tennessee, and New York. I always have a connection! If I want to take my son to the playground and need to catch up on some work - I have a connection! Not only do I have a connection but it is fast. I really cannot tell the difference between my wifi connection and my modem. For now, I only have experience with the 3G network, 4G is not available in my area yet but I am sure that when it is available the connection will be even faster!

My personal modem is truly my favorite bit of technology. And it was so simple to use. It is basically plug and play. I uploaded the software, plugged the modem into my USB port and with one click - connected! I love it.

I have had a few quirks with my modem. I've found that when my computer goes to sleep it takes several attempts for me to get the program working. Sometimes I have to remove the modem from the USB port and reattach it. This really isn't that big of a deal and if I wasn't such a lazy person I am sure I could get some tech assistance from customer service to alleviate it. Clearly, it is not bothering me enough to take the extra step of placing a call or sending an email.

The folks at Sprint have graciously decided to share the love with one of my readers. One of you will be the winner of a $300.00 Visa gift card. All you have to do is answer this question:
How would the power of the Sprint Now Network keep you organized and connected?

This contest is open from 3/10/10 -3/31/10 you can read the full contest rules HERE.

And if you'd like to increase your chances of winning, read the other bloggers reviews and enter their contests visit the special offers page.


1 – 200 of 284   Newer›   Newest»
Busy Mom said...

I have a lot of downtime with 3 kids in sports and I'd love to be able to use it better by being able work during practices and when we are out of town.

M. Denise Wilmer Barreto said...

That would be a God-send for the following reasons:

1. Always on the go like @BusyMom - I'd use it when I'm out and about with my kids at their various activities

2. We are traveling bunch plus I am starting to travel more on my own and get sick of paying for access or hoping it's included in my hotel room

3. Being connected is like air for me - another opportunity to write, share and interact online would be welcomed.

Mocha Dad said...

I travel all the time and the network I'm with has spotty service. Sprint could help me to be more productive when I'm on the go.

Mom in the City said...

Now that it is getting warm outside, I'm playground bound. It would be great to be able to use my laptop while letting my boys get some of their energy released outside!

*Lissa* said...

Oh, how I want one of those. My husband works out in the boonies and could really use one. His modem kicks out at least once every 10 minutes. Really annoying, especially when we keep in touch via Skype a lot, since he is gone for weeks at a time.

kasey said...

Definitely - It would keep me connected by giving me a way to always stay in touch - and organized because I could have all of my important info right there with me all the time, and I could make changes right away.
kasey19062 AT aol DOT com

LittleTechGirl said...

Awesome. I have actually been evaluating getting one of these. I had the pleasure of doing a 30 day trial of a Clear modem a few months back and I wrote a review, and I wondered about the Comcast version of the service. Sprint was next on the list to check out so I am glad to see you report good things.

I am about to embark on quite a bit of travel myself so I definitely need to do something so that I won't get too behind.

Angelica Bays, said...

Oh, are you kidding? I have a memory like a sieve. a BROKEN sieve! I NEED this to keep everything in my life straight!

Vanessa said...

It would help me stay connected by having everything at my fingertips. Phone contacts, internet, tv, etc. Wow! That would be awesome!

*Tanyetta* said...

We are always on the go as a family! The Sprint Now network would help us stay connected to family and friends while we are day tripping on the weekend exploring our new town.

MorethanMommy said...

I do everything online and since my business is online, too, it's important to stay connected. I'm another mom who is always on the go and who travels a lot, but I think it could also help by allowing me to go out to work. Sometimes it's just too hard to focus at home.

Andrea Hatfield said...

It would be nice to be able to travel and have internet access wherever I go. The last hotel I stayed at charged $14 a day for internet access! Ridiculous!

It would also make it easier to keep up with my blog while on the go. It seems like I'm always on the go!

Ms. Anita said...

Sprint Now would help keep me organized and connected by helping me stay in touch with my friends and family who live halfway across the country.
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

Superdumb Supervillain said...

Connected 24-7? Whoa. I imagine productivity in the carpool pickup, doctor's offices, airports... giddy with the thought!

Jennae @ Green Your Decor said...

This would be a literal lifeline for me! I feel like I'm tethered to my house more often than not because I can't work while I'm out. I'd love to be able to take my daughter to the park and get a little work done while I'm at it. Or to be able to work while taking her to frequent doctor's appointments without having to hope that the hospital WiFi will be cooperative. So much of our time during those visits is spent waiting and letting her color or watch TV, and I feel like I could be getting so much done! And although I'm not traveling much these days, the idea of never having to pay for airport or hotel WiFi definitely makes me happy!

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

There are a few coffee shops in my area that I would like to be able to spend some time at working, organizing and spending sometime by myself getting things done but their internet is spotty at best so it would be nice to have something reliable to take with me. I think I would also use it while out and about with my daughter while she is busy with her activities and playing.

Thanks, Renee!

Pricousins said...

I too would be able to use this on the go. RIght now, the weather is breaking so we'll be spending more time out and football season is about to start so it would be great to have this while I'm out and about!

K. Rock said...

I would love to be able to use my laptop on the go. I am just getting really deep into social networking and I need to have that capability everywhere.

Mami2jcn said...

The speed of the Now Network from Spring would help me stay in touch with our relatives who live in various parts of the country.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Marianna said...

This would come in so handy! It looks so convenient and I know your family would get alot of use out of it! We are always on the go and often when we travel we find ourselves staying places without internet access - subsequently I get behind on email, twitter, auctions, etc. This would help reduce my stress by helping me "stay on top of things" so to speak - and not to fall behind! Thanks for the chance!
mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com

Tammy said...

I would love one of these modems! I have a home based virtual assistant business, and I homeschool my youngest son. Sometimes it is tough to juggle client deadlines with home school pe, or field trips. With one of these modems I could do both with no problem!

Deb Rox said...

My kids' phones are on Sprint, and I've been thinking about getting a laptop modem for the times when wi-fi doesn't cut it. I don't know why I haven't yet--time I guess! I hate airports who don't share free, easy wi-fi! And sometimes wi-fi isn't strong enough for video conf calls. I'm bumping it up my list.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

The Sprint Now Network would be an asset to me being the on-the-go momma that I am. I am forever in the carpool line, going to practices, doing work for the husband as well as my blogging. Not having to search for a free WIFI signal would be nice. What an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance :)

Anonymous said...

I travel for work and school so with the Sprint Now Network I don't have to worry about losing my connection with with family and friends while on the go. It would make it so much easier to update social networking, blog, and to email. It's so important to be "connected". Thanks! :)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

This would come in so hand to have. Where I live makes it impossible to have high speed internet. This would also be great for a on the go mom like me!

Jenny B said...

This would definitely be nice to have while traveling to see family all over the country!

Jenny B

1stopmom said...

This would make so things so much easier for me. It is a pain to always look for free wifi. Or only be able to go to/near places that I know for sure offer it. When that doesn't work I just have to deal with not being able to get online at all :(


Linda Stewart said...

I have several contacts that need to be able to contact me 24/7. Being able to stay connected with them, without having to always run to the office to check in would be great. I could get a whole lot more done for my family if I wasn't having to constantly make an office run.

wigget said...

it would allow me to update kid pics and vids instantly

Anonymous said...

This would allow me to always be connected I go to college in AR and we do not have wireless on campus so it would be nice to go anywhere in my apartment and be online. I get a little frustrated having to sit in my room all the time.

Anonymous said...

As an elementary school teacher and someone who still uses an “old fashioned” desk calendar and planning book, I couldn’t think of anything more useful! To have the ability to have all my information for meetings, parent contacts, school calendar, student birthdays, lesson plans and personal appointments along with the ability to have the information travel with me from home to the classroom would be amazingly helpful. The ability to have a camera to capture a “special” moment in the classroom would also be exciting. The possibilities are endless!!!

bsadler (AT) wideopenwest (DOT) com

Unknown said...

This would help keep me connected because my internet drops off periodically and this would enable me to not lose my connection. It would also be awesome to use while traveling or waiting at the doctor's office, etc. There's no end to all the great ways this would help me. Thanks for the chance to win!

mar said...

The power of the Spring Now Network would be great for sending my e-mails to clients.

Roblyn and Alan said...

It would keep me organized and connected by allowing me to check email, tweet and online shop at the drop of a hat, even while I'm on the road.

roblyn66 at yahoo dot com

kitkat234 said...

I would use this when I travel or I am stuck in traffic.I could also use it at home as our internet is not the best!
kitkat 234 at gmail dot com

ambryt said...


Will help me stay in touch with family and friends

Anonymous said...

I would use it while walking, that way I could keep up with my baseball and football scores and won't feel so bad that I am missing the game. Plus I could use it while my sister and I are out for our weekly rides and getting lost to get directions

Anonymous said...

The network would keep me connected with family, which most live about 1200 miles away. I also telecommute one day a week and it would help me keep up to date on my emails.
sweetscove at gmail dot com

Amber said...

The Spring Now Network would keep me connected and organized by allowing me more convenient communication while I’m on the bus and subway!

Thank you for the giveaway :)

Cecelia---Sis---Mom said...

I have been drooling over a Sprint modem for a while. I work at home via laptop. I have 2 boys (15 & 11) that have very busy schedules and this would allow me to work wherever they need to be. We already have 4 Sprint phones, so I can't afford to add the modem, or I would have a while ago.

I find myself sitting here, there and yonder waiting on my boys when in reality I could actually be finishing up my workload. Oh it would be heaven.

Thanks for the chance.


Kelly said...

I need some Internet on the go!!

redfuzzycow said...

this would be awesome cus i travel to work two hours roundtrip on the train, and i could work on the way

Unknown said...

I would love it! I would be able to check my email on the go and I am always on the go!

ewalsh40 said...

I could actually work outside on my patio, which I don't get to enjoy enough because I'm always inside tied to my computer.


abfantom said...

The Sprint Now network would keep me connected to friends and family via text messages and emails.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

mverno said...

most of what i need to know would be right there with me

Mysharona said...

Since I’m never home, it would allow people to keep in touch with me and allow me to stay connected through email and internet.

plhill2000 said...

Since with 6 kids I am often away from home, it would help keep up with email, etc. while on the run.

Bookish in a Box said...

The Sprint Now Network would enable me to update a mobile calendar and keep up with online BillPay on the go.

whatinabox at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Being able to stay in touch 24/7 is a plus. I like that it will fit into my purse easily.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I am a busy Mommy on the go and this would help me stay connected, pay my bills online, and connect with teachers, friends, etc, via email while waiting at doctor's office, and in the car line at school.


Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

My daughter is headed to England to school and this would be great to keep in touch with her

elizabeth said...

I'm always connected via my phone for work and to stay in touch with my family (we're spread out all over the country). I'd love not having to worry about finding a hotspot or working on my iPhone for big e-mails or projects. This would be perfect!

dbvader said...

The speed of the Now Network from Sprint would help keep me organized and connected by helping me stay in touch with my friends and family who live halfway across the country.

Kiara said...

I would be able to stay connected to family and friends.


would be able to work while waiting for appts, on breaks at work

katrina said...

The power of the Sprint Now Network will keep me organized and connected by having my school resources within my fingertips, be mobile, socially in touch with my friends & family & keep me on track with my online services at hand.

Stephanie said...

while on my business trips!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Chip said...

We have WiFi in our house, but I can't get it in our bedroom for some reason. This would help be lazy some evenings and let me surf the net.


jemscout425 said...

This would really help while traveling because i hate lugging my laptop around.

jzagarjr said...

I could have access to the internet when I'm not home. Right now, my phone doesn't even take pictures. I could share pictures and email friends and family using the Sprint network, which would be great!

sodahoney said...

I absolutely rely on my phone. It is my calendar, alarm clock, GPS,email connection, camera on and on.

Anonymous said...

i'd use it to always stay connected to my family no matter where i am at


Genny said...

My school's campus has terrible WiFi, so I would definitely use it there every single day!

contactinkspot at gmail dot com

elizabeth p said...

My husband is a disabled veteran and having better connection to his physicians would be such an incredible relief for us both. I am queenesperfect at

Brian D. said...

I can't get connected where I live in the country and the aptop is too bulky to carry everywhere

Karen P said...

I would be able to multitask more effectively.

anonymous78 said...

I have a busy schedule being a full time student and full time mom, high speed mobile internet access would keep me connected and organized by keeping my calendar and deadlines with me at all times!

ouroboro2000 at gmail dot com

sweepmom said...

This would be especially nice to have when I travel. It would help me stay connected so I wouldn't be so overwhelmed sorting through everything when I get back home.

Anonymous said...

I like that the Moment has a notification bar that runs along the top and when you get a new email or other notification, it will sit up there. From any screen on the phone, you can swipe down from that notification bar and it will show you any missed calls, and what unread messages you have. I also like the fact that it pulls in your entire contact list from your Google/Gmail account.


julis55 said...

It would help me stay connected by having everything at my fingertips. Phone contacts, internet, tv, etc. Wow! That would be awesome

Heather said...

It would keep me connected and organized because I would always have my web based calendar available to easily add things!

buzzd said...

I travel alot so it would allow me to keep up on emails and my calendar

kdkdkd said...

I could stay on top of my email and etsy shop while running errands and all the time I am away from the computer

Anonymous said...



Sarah G. said...

I would be able to stay on top of work/personal e-mail and stay up to date on the kids latest game schedules.

Kelly said...

The Sprint modem and network would allow me to stay connected on the go, which is all the time. Accessing emails is the most common thing. But Wyoming is a very rural state. This would allow me to access recipes for the night's dinner, check my social network sites and even access maps and directions!

Kelly said...

The Sprint modem and network would allow me to stay connected on the go, which is all the time. Accessing emails is the most common thing. But Wyoming is a very rural state. This would allow me to access recipes for the night's dinner, check my social network sites and even access maps and directions!

Unknown said...

I would love to stay connected, particularly while I am waiting (to pick up family, doc's office, bank, airport). I could listen to Pandora, check email, read the news -- sounds great!

Unknown said...

I'd finally be able to entertain myself by checking email / browsing web on my phone while the kids play at the playground or library. Ah, to be connected with Sprint!

As far as organized, I'm not sure even Sprint could help me with that. ;)

Anonymous said...

It would give me access to my info anywhere and let me be online when I need to be.

Ellie Wright said...

This would allow me to stay connected to the outside world, and friends and family, during an upcoming hospital stay.
eswright18 at

Jessica said...

Wow, that would be amazing for me- I didn't know such a thing existed! I'm a student who is out and about all the time with my laptop, and am always in need of wifi for projects and research. It would be so helpful to not always have to find a Panera with free wifi just to get my work done!

sweety1786 at

abby said...

It would allow me to always have access to my email...and not fall behind in getting back to others!

marelsa said...

It would make it much easier to stay in touch with family members

Michele said...

This would make my life so much easier...less stress and more efficiency! It's amazing how much more I'd get done.

debiwelbon said...

It would be nice to have all my info needed at my fingertips and also be able to listen to music on it while I am walking

sphinx63 said...

It would help keep me connected, because right now my phone has none of these capabilities. It would be great to be able to get online anywhere. Thanks!

sphinxcw at aol dot com

Holly B said...

The speed sounds great, my current phone doesn't have any net capability so anything is an upgrade for me!

Unknown said...

We have a couple of close family members with health issues this year, it would help the rest of us stay connected and aware of each others schedules and responsibilities

Anonymous said...

This would come in so handy as my
husband is in the hospital I could
let our family and friends know
how he is doing. Thanks
Cathy Truman

iluv2blog said...

It would keep me connected with my phone and e-mail and such

Anonymous said...

it would be great to be able to bring my laptop everywhere so i could get more work done and have more time to enjoy the things i really want to do!

ohstac said...

This would be awesome for staying connecting while on the go!

Sara R said...

I work from home, so being able to go online anywhere would be great! I've actually been considering getting the mi fi device from Sprint.


lisa said...

I would carry it everywhere so that i could stay connected to my family.

Rachel said...

My husband travels a lot for work and this would help our family stay connected. It would be so wonderful for the kids to be able to video chat with their daddy!

Anonymous said...

I would use this everywhere. I am seriously one of those 'research' people that whenever they have a question or weird fact they want to know they look it up and this would really help look it up right then!! And I would be able to share that info with friends and family! Obviously this would save a lot of time and pondering, haha.

Anonymous said...

The speed of the Now Network from Sprint would help so much. I am a mom of 2 young boys 3 & 6 & I work full-time plus as an administrator over 2 care facilities. Not only am I out and about running around with my boys appointments and schedules alot, but so is true of my job as an Administrator. How the speed of the Now Network from Sprint would help me is that it basically would allow me to access my internet to keep up-to-date on work issues and family issues via my Email from anywhere that I am at. I'd also be able to access my internet for things like mapquesting a location I need to go to or looking up a product online that I need for my kids or for the care home & keep up on news and current events (as the internet is my main source of news). I'd be able to Tweet no matter where I am at (I love Twitter). I'd be able to take pics and share them quickly with friends and family. I'd be able to utilize my calendar& have it synched between computers & send a message to others to put it on their calendar. For me, it seems like there is never enough time in a day to do all that I want to get done, but with the Now Network from Sprint, I'd be able to get more done and utilize my time more efficiently, be more organized and stay in touch with others.

vwestermeyer said...

Just the ability to keep connected no matter where I am would be wonderful. I have three college aged daughters so this would be terrific

Unknown said...

I work through an agency doing in-home nursing, might end up anywhere. This would keep me connected.

Jennifer C. said...

Sprint would help me stay connected with my job and clients on my days off! It would be great to be able to respond quickly to emails.

jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Maria said...

I would love to use this while at baseball practices, football practices, waiting in the car while my husband and son run errands...

this would be great!
thank you!
maria dot donahue at gmail dot com

Clifford Jeffery said...

As mother of 2 and a third on the way and a husband who is the army, I could use this in SOOOOOO many ways!

Bacallsmom said...

This would be helpful for me at my work in a public school system. All day long, I have to deal with computers that are ancient, software that is even more ancient, Internet blocks that make no sense at all (and the Internet connection is often down altogether), and a phone system that is the most antiquated of all. I could use something to keep my blood pressure from spiking all day long when I have to deal with these “roadblocks.”
bbentry [at] aol [dot] com

Karen A said...

It will help me stay connected with daughter who will be going off to college!~

llinda29 said...

I would use the Sprint Overdrive to keep connected with friends and organizedwith the info

mmentor said...

sign me up

Anonymous said...

My sister is 11 hours away and this would help me keep conneceted with her on gchat! MY internet is too slow to use it right now. scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Way up the in Ellsworth Maine, reception isn't good- but with sprint, I'm connected and

smilekisses said...

I would be able to read blogs every day, any time and any where.

sksweeps said...

I would use this to take advantage of my time waiting for my daughter at all of her many activities! No more sit and wait, now it would be sit and work, email, productive!

Debbie said...

This would be great for our family. It would help with the stress of not being connected while traveling, and it would be great for us being out and about with our kids all day. We're always looking for new and fun places to try while traveling, and this would help simplify that a lot.

Debbie P: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com

Amanda Kness said...

Wow, it would be amazing! I am a military wife and I we are moving this summer, I'd be able to stay connected through it all even while on our way to our new duty station. I would also be able to stay connected to my husband while he's in the field, work or if he gets deployed, I'd be able to stay connected to family and friends, and my new home based business!

For Our Family said...

My husband and I are self-employed (and I'm a SAHM). Being connected is imperative to a successful business for us. Makes everything easier.

April said...

It would help me stay in contact more with family and friends.

Missybeez said...

It will help me stay connected when I am at my kids games or when I am between work and school.

Jen lleras said...

I would use it on my short lunch breaks at work to stay connected with friends and organize my personal schedual!


Mommy 2 Bears said...

I recently started a new job and I need to keep connected. Even if I'm at the park or beach with my family. Ah the price I pay to get paid. This would assure that weekly compensation.

KSDallas said...

It would be really nice to be able to actually use my computer anywhere, anytime!

Stacey brown said...

It would help keep me connected to my kids when I work crazy hours! It would also help me be able to plan things while I am at the kids practices and traveling!

allysona said...


Billie said...

I too could use the Sprint 3G/4G. I am constantly on the go. This would allow me to write while at sporting events for the kids, etc.

Courtney B said...

i would use this when we go up north in winter! great idea!

Nicole said...

I take alot of road trips, it would be great for this!

jlafount said...

Allows me to work in anywhere at anytime

Anonymous said...

I'd love to able to take my computer to my kids' hour-long classes and be productive instead of flipping through a magazine that doesn't totally interest me.

amanda.townsend2 at gmail dot com

Coupon Teacher said...

This would allow me to work anywhere, anytime. Great for organization!

Anonymous said...

It would help me stay organized because I would always be connected to the internet no matter where I am! YEAH!


Anonymous said...

Sprint keeps me connected by keeping me connected with family and friends.

Legendj01 said...

Its fast and reliable connection would help me stay connected to my online social life.

JC said...

We travel a lot, power of the Sprint Now Network would be a big helper for me to stay connected with families and friends.

tcarolinep at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I visit a lot of family and friends who have no broadband, and in some cases no internet at all. This would solve my internet problem!

clc408 said...

I need to keep up with email when I travel. This would be great for that.

Tina12312 said...

My husband will be deploying again and this would make it so much easier to keep in touch with him! Thank you!

lizvelrene said...

I would use this on road trips for sure, especially a long one I'm planning for later this year. Who needs GPS if you can use the internet! :p

bonggamom said...

We would never get lost again while traveling! And believe me, with my husband's sense of direction, it happens a lot :)

Anonymous said...

This would really help me keep in touch. I am a college student a town over from where I live and I also help to take care of my grandmother and it seems like I am always away from home doing stuff. This would really help me keep in touch with everybody and vice versa.

Betty N said...

My husband does all the driving so I could use my time so productively if I had this! It would also be great for the doctor's appt wait times,etc

Tarah said...

This would be a wonderful way to keep in touch with my sister who lives in Florida. It would also be a great way to keep track of my "to-do" lists, birthdays and other errands I need to run.


mogrill said...

I would use this in the hotel at Disneyland. We go every year and I ALWAYS have issues with slow internet connection or no connection at all. This would really save me, as I have to do SOME work even during vacation.
Thanks for the chance.

miriama said...

I'm spending a lot of time with my father while he is ill. Being on the road back and forth, five trips in 6 months, this would have kept me connected to family and friends.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be able to keep up with my blogs, my email, my social networking while I am on the go. Right now I dont have that capability.

Anonymous said...

I would use it to check restaurant reviews when we are out and on the go and to price check items I am considering buying. Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com

Melinda said...

it would let me make calls all hours of the day

Joy said...

this would be a life saver!

mjharvey26 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

It would keep me connected by giving me a way to always stay in touch - and organized because I could have all of my important info right there with me all the time

artisticbaker at gmail dot com

Blue Girl said...

i have a hard time keeping track of everything, this would be helpful


Carissa said...

I go out into the sticks many weekends to see my relatives and they have no internet. While I love hanging out with them, it would be a lot easier if i had the Sprint Now Network to keep me connected, so that my homework which requires internet access would not be neglected until Sunday night.

eclairre said...

I am always away from home, so Id be in better touch with my family :)

MandyV said...

It's so tiny and convenient, two things that I love in a mobile device!


Messy Mommy said...

It seems like I always find myself in a spot with either no wi-fi or no FREE wi-fi. This would be SO awesome for that! Staying connected while traveling!!!!

Susan C. said...

I'd love to have the internet wherever I go, instead of always looking for a hotspot. Wow!

h. mcnaron said...

I am always traveling for work but my phone and slow network won't keep up. I hope this is really a better solution- it would make me easier to contact and save a lot of time and frustration.

chromiumman said...

it would be much easier to stay in contact with family members while i'm on the road

chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com

Karina said...

I need this

Anonymous said...

I have a Palm Pro through Sprint, so I already know how wonderful they are. My phone is like one of my children and it keeps me connected in every way I need to be, by phone, text, email and web! I love it!

LVI56 said...

I travel doing lots of technical support. A reliable internet connection would be great for having access to resources and email.

Anonymous said...

From an alarm in the morning, checking my facebook to getting directions anywhere anytime is an amazing convenience!

TX_Jen34 said...

It would help me by keeping all my info in one place.

becky s said...

Something like this is great for a writer like me, so I can go to a bookstore, coffee shop or library to write & be assured that I have internet access when I need to. Also? Great for traveling. Those airport access points are EXPENSIVE.

Rikk Connelly said...

They block a lot of sites at work and my email. I would love to be able to check my email during my breaks and lunch!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win !!

sweetsue said...

I spend a lot of time in Drs waiting rooms, I would love to use this to catch up on my email while I am waiting.
smchester at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I guess I am not as computer savvy as most,,,but this sounds as if will extend my range

pickledseeds said...

It would help me stay connected with my family while I'm traveling.

momznite said...

While waiting at my child's lesson I could order flowers for a friend's birthday, renew my library book, and schedule an oil change.

logger1951 said...

I could take my laptop anywhere and keep track of my e-bay auctions. I could keep on top of them anywhere and that would get me more organized.

Anonymous said...

It would keep be connected.. esp. while we are camping and would keep me organized for all my daughters sporting games.

hebert024 at aol dot com

Nelsby said...

I do a decent amount of traveling for work. Often, I end up in locations without Wi-Fi...and I truly need access to both my email and the internet in general throughout the day. For me, the Sprint Overdrive would not simply be a luxury. Now that I am aware of it, the Overdrive would be necessity in keeping my connected and organized at a moment's notice...instead of having to wait until I found a hot spot.

Thank you for this generous giveaway - I would be SO thrilled to win!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

This would be so awesome when traveling with 3 monkeys, er I mean children. Being connected in the car, hotels and where ever we end up (camping, grandma's, the beach) during boring traveling times would keep the yahoos from actually speaking to each other which usually results in an argument! As far as helping me with organization well I can only say it would be a certified miracle if it could get ole scatterbrained me on track but who knows this might just do it!

Sky said...

The Sprint Now Network would keep me organized by allowing me to access all of the information I need and giving me that access quickly. As a wife, mom, librarian, student, and blogger...I need all the help I can get and I need to stay connected!

Marcia said...

It seems that I spend a lot of time checking various calendars for the family activities; it would be great to have them all on my phone.

VickieB said...

Until 4G is available in our area, I wouldn't use it. Unfortunately Sprint doesn't have the unrestricted 4G in our area and the 3G would be to restrictive.

Unknown said...

1. Keep calendars and schedules synced & up to date while on the go!

2. Keep the family website updated more quickly with new pics! No more waiting until we get home to upload pics and possibly forgetting to update the family website!

3. This will allow more time at the park! Can take the family to the park and work while the family plays!

Thank you for the great giveaway!

mickeyfan said...

I am in sales. Imagine how much time I waste while searching for a signal. Add to that the fact that our home network has rather spotty coverage... I'd waste WAY less time with the Sprint network.

Nancy said...

I am self employed and work from home so the Now Network would help me keep connected to my clients, especially when I am on the road. It would great to have easy access to the web to respond to emails and solve client issues.

Andrea Hatfield said...

It would help me meet important deadlines without having to be at home on my laptop all the time. It would be nice to have a connection while I am at the Dr's office or at my sons soccer practice.


DG said...

this device would make my life easier because I can bring it with me at home, work, or even on casual outings! it would help keep things organized becuase it's so small and convenient! This fabulous speed internet connection would keep in touch with family and friends whenever


Anonymous said...

Dial up is my friend, as DSL is not an option as per AT&T. This would be a wonderful upgrade!

Unknown said...

This would help because I could update my blog on the go!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

Shooting Stars Mag said...

this would be very handy when i'm busy with school.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Unknown said...

This would come in handy when we are on the run.

Ravzie said...

I would LOVE to be able to check my email at any time! I worry about important information not received in a timely manner when I am out and about. Thanks.

Princess Golden Hair said...

Sprint high speed mobile internet access would keep me connected and organized. It would allow my PC to be more productive in the comfort of my own home or another remote location like school, the airport, or on vacation. I could submit reports for work, load video and photos, tweet my friends, check my email, update my blog, myspace, and facebook, and so much more.

Pattie F. said...

Our family is on the go a lot. I could use this to keep connected with everything while traveling from one event to another. I also work from my home and it would be nice to be able to go somewhere without having to worry that I am missing something important.

I love this idea!

Melinda said...

I would use this while traveling, it would make it so much easier to stay in touch with family and friends!

Melinda said...


Artistic Cook said...

I'd use it while on the go - waiting, especially...It seems i'm always waiting for something

Artistic Cook said...

Posted about this giveaway:

Artistic Cook said...


JOY said...

It's springtime, so I would use the Sprint Overdrive while out for a walk.

mjharvey26 at yahoo dot com

JOY said...


mjharvey26 at yahoo dot com

Katy said...

Wow! Yeah, I'd love to be able to access the internet any time and anywhere. It would be especially helpful when waiting...I hate feeling like I've lost that time. I'd be able to email, Tweet or just surf around in those extra free moments.

Thanks for the review and the great giveaway!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Katy said...

I just Tweeted about this post here:

Thanks!!! :)

Katy said...

I just Tweeted about this post here:

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

diesel51 said...

The doctor told me to exercise and get more fresh air. Riding my bike or taking walks, I can stay connected with work and family while following the doctors orders.

dawns41 said...

It would help me by being able to share files quickly and video conference lag free. I love that..lag free!

Mary B said...

I'd love to be able to connect with my modem when I travel - no more paying high fees for internet service when on the road! Yippee!

Valancia said...

I think I could use this for when I'm out at a relatives or friends it would connect me right up. Also for my ebay, recipes, networking with others, charts, keeping count of personal things and my sons events and grocery shopping


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