Sunday, December 4, 2011

Walmart Introduces Shoppy Cat

You may be asking - what in the world is Shoppy Cat? I wondered the same thing so when Walmart gave me the opportunity to try it out and provide feedback, I said why not? Shoppy Cat is a new facebook app that assists you in purchasing gifts for family, friends, whoever! If a person is on your facebook friend and has the app, Shoppy Cat will give you a list of things that the individual might enjoy as a gift. 

Shoppy Cat utilizes the things that are listed in your profile as your interests. Obviously, the more interests a person has listed, the more recommendations Shoppy Cat provides. One of the best features in my opinion is that the gifts are not only from Walmart. I think this is a fabulous idea. It reminds me of the movie Miracle on 34th Street, Santa sent people to stores other than Macy*s! Even though the management thought it was a bad idea, it actually encouraged folks to shop at both Macy*s and the other stores. Simply ingenious! 

Shoppy Cat is currently in Beta but I think it is worth trying out! As more people sign up it will be even more effective! Happy Shopping! 

Disclosure: I am a Walmart Mom and have been compensated for spreading the word about the Shoppy Cat app but as usual, all opinions are 100% my own! 

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